Monday, June 9, 2014

We Made It!

There was no small question about whether we would make it to Louisville yesterday. About 25 miles outside the city, traffic ground to a complete stop. After we sat for a few minutes, an ambulance came up the shoulder. Then a fire truck. Then a couple of state police cruisers. Things weren't looking good. Eventually, we started moving--slowly--and closed into one lane. When we got to the bottle neck, it turned out to be a horrific looking semi-truck wreck. It had taken out several hundred feet of guardrail and was sitting in a twisted heap over a slight bank. One of the front wheels was completely gone. I was told by someone who came by later that they called in a hazmat team, but I don't know for what.

But we're here! And we're finished with day one of reading. I had a nice run early this morning and Corinne and I had breakfast together before going our separate ways--me to literature and her to language. I was excited to see my table leader from last year. She's just a few tables away and remembered me. Have I mentioned she's an angel? I also ran into my roommate from last year. He remembered me too. :)

After we finished and had dinner, I ran into Corinne on the way out. She was going skating and I just wanted to sit, look at the river a bit, and read. You know you're an English teacher when you read all day and the first thing you want to do when you're finished is read some more. I also wandered around the riverfront park and took some pictures. It's quite pretty here. I'm not a professional photographer by any means, so they aren't composed or whatever they call it. I just pointed at stuff and clicked. So here they are:

I have no idea what to make of this.

This is what I affectionately call the hobo bathtub.

This is the atrium that links the two towers of our hotel. Oddly enough, I'm typing this blog from inside it.

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